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Understanding a STO: Montessori-HeidiDom project - HedgeGuard

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Understanding a STO: Montessori-HeidiDom project

During the ParisBlockchainWeekSummit which took place in Paris, Station F, from 16th to 17th April, HeidiDom/Montessori, an international network of 30 nurseries, presented its Security Token Offering. A blockchain project anchored in the real world: child care!

Delphine Deshayes, Western Europe Business Director at Montessori/Heidi Dom and Céline Moille, Associate Lawer at Yellaw-Bitlaw give us all the details!
Montessori has developed a unique learning method, allowing children to grow at their own pace. With a 30 nurseries network, HeidiDom/Montessori intends to use Blockchain technology to accelerate its fundraising with a goal of reaching 30 millions euros within 3 years.

Stakes of the STO :
– accelerating the fundraising in order to build 3000 childcare places
– attracting new investors at an international level.

Key focus:
– compliance
– legal framework
– technology
The STO will be launched in Malta, a country member of European Union, with an established legal framework, what should re-insure the mainly private investors.
All information are available on
For more details, discover the full interview.

Understanding a STO: Montessori-HeidiDom project